I want to wish everyone a HAPPY HOLIDAY!! I'm not talking about Thanksgiving or Christmas here.. but the truly fabulous spectacular holidays that occur everyday, yet go seemingly unnoticed. HOWEVER, now that I have discovered this fabulous list, I plan to start celebrating these holidays as often as I can.

It's a fun fabulous list of random holidays compiled by WHO KNOWS! I love it though.

I was also excited to find out that I was born on "Cotton Candy day!"
However I was married on "Blame Someone else day" hmmmm interesting, but then again my parents were married on "supreme sacrifice day" hehehehe
I also found it interesting that election day fell on " Waiting for the Barbarians" day this year. Odd

Now I am always looking for an excuse to have some fun, and possibly a spirit or two. So if you ever need a reason to celebrate, might I suggest you head on over to this handy little list, where you can discover fabulous holidays like .. "National Nothing Day", "Ice Cream and Violins day", "festival of popular delusions day", or today which happens to be "marooned without a compass day" arrg!

Other days in my family that I took note of..
My children's birthdays fall on;
Connor- "Chocolate Chip day"
Paige- "Personality day" (umm yah!)
Tanner - "mole day" not sure what to make of that one.
Garrett - "Chocolate Milk Shake day"

Daniel's birthday falls on "National radio day", I'm sure they meant TALK radio day! :)
my brother's birthday is on "Play God day". (and that's all I'm gonna say about THAT!) :)

So don't be surprised if you hear a hearty "HAPPY ABSURDITY DAY!" from me, or receive something chocolate covered on December 16, and for you San Diegans, you might just wake up to a surprise on your porch come August 8th. I am however having a hard time finding the right outfit to wear for "The festival for the souls of dead whales".

(cake and ice cream optional)


Anonymous said…
Love the list. My baby will born Nov. 11th which is "Air Day". I think that means that I will fianlly be able to breath again congestion free once baby girl is out!
Anonymous said…
Great. I gotta give my b-day to Holly. I am not the middle child!!!

Of course, Nathan was born on "Pop goes the weasel day", which is soooo funny, because he is learning to sing that song these days.

And Sam is National Storytelling Festival, which could prove interesting as he gets older & discovers 'storytelling' aka lying, can help get him out of trouble.

The funniest though is Chris'... Lumpy Rug Day. Doesn't that sound like most husbands though? ha ha ha
Amy said…
That is too funny!!

Well you could swap birthdays with Tanner and have National Mole day instead. :)
Rindie said…
Me -Look Up At The Sky Day
Brenden - Body Painting Arts Festival
Sam - Beverage Day
TJ - Roots Day
Our anniversary - Use Even If Seal Is Broken Day
Thany said…
I was born on Festival Of Smoke and Mirrors Day but looking at the list I think my mom delivered me early. I should have been born on March 30 for I Am In Control Day.

Lucy: Peculiar People Day
N8: National Popcorn Day (He hates popcorn!)
Ella: National Popcorn Day

And I am sure you are right about Daniel and David's birthday...they meant TALK Radio.

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