Cooking with Chef Tanner

The person who brought you peanut butter and ham casserole and other delights has finally made it mainstream.

Tanner was chosen to work with a chef, a nutritionist and two other students from his school as part of the healthy choices school lunch initiative that our school as well as many other around the country are participating in.

 Tanner and his classmates are representing  San Diego Unified School district in a recipe competition.  Their creation will be first presented as an option for lunch at our school in early December.  Once the recipe is finalized it will compete against other schools across the country. The top 3 will head to D.C. for the finally competition with the winning menu item being featured in cafeteria's across the country.  Tanner is very excited.

Today his hit the test kitchen and they created a fabulous chili dish.

I had some, it's good.. I like it :)



Anonymous said…
isn't he the cutest thing to ever wear a chef's hat?
Sooz said…
Awesome! Go Tanner!

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